May 4, 2021 | Charitable Giving, Taxes
Social Capital is a term that may have different meanings for different people. A common definition is that it is a set of shared values that allows individuals to work together to effectively achieve a common purpose. In the context of financial planning, it has...
Mar 11, 2019 | Tax return, Taxes
I’m seeing plenty of articles and even hearing casually, at various gatherings, that many folks are being surprised this year by the income taxes they will be owing. I consider this an unnecessary surprise. While its true that a tax law was enacted that affected 2018...
Oct 14, 2016 | Tax return, Taxes
An x-ray is a very helpful diagnostic tool for doctors. A patient may look healthy on the outside, but on the inside, something could be very wrong. An x-ray shows what’s under the surface, and that’s why it’s so valuable. What an x-ray is to a doctor, a tax return is...