
Information for your Board

Information for your Board

On November 6, I addressed a gathering of development professionals and discussed the responsibilities of nonprofit board members. Let me know if you would like a copy of the material. You may obtain a copy by sending me an email a...

Fundraising Help

Fundraising Help

I will be speaking at The Major Gifts and Capital Campaigns 101 Seminar in Atlanta on November 6 during the lunch hour. For seminar details, click here. I will be sharing my experiences as a board member in helping charities engage their board members in this...

Get a Board Member to Help

Get a Board Member to Help

In my last communication, I shared how engaging a donor in a conversation about planned giving resulted in a current gift. The conversation was not initially about a gift, but simply about his current status and activities. He volunteered information regarding his...

Why Wait To Give?

Why Wait To Give?

Several months ago I had a conversation with a donor who supports an organization that I am close to. He has committed to make a bequest in his will. Since he was retired, we talked about his current situation, his health, and how he spending his time. The...

Make a Will Month

Make a Will Month

August is National Make a Will Month. As awareness is heightened during the month, it represents an opportunity for nonprofits to chime in. From the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer comes this directive, “The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the...

Charity’s Dual Mandate

Charity’s Dual Mandate

It is a well-accepted fact that charities serve a dual mandate. On the one hand, there is a mission to accomplish. On the other hand, there is a donor base that makes this all possible. Merging mission with the support needed to accomplish the nonprofit’s goal is the...

Is your organization worthy of a gift?

Is your organization worthy of a gift?

In my discussions with donors over the years, the issue of continuing support to their charitable interests often comes up. Sometimes changes are in order for various reasons. The most disconcerting reason for such changes is that the charitable organization has lost...

Outdated CRT

Outdated CRT

We have recently found that donors who established Charitable Remainder Trusts years ago are in much different personal financial situations today than when they established the trusts. As a result, a revisit of the current operation of the trust to determine if it...

Recasting Donor Gifts

Recasting Donor Gifts

Several years ago a friend came to see me about his pending retirement. He had been the top sales person in his firm and the company was being sold. As he had no equity in the business, he would have to rely on the company provided retirement plan as well as his...

Need Some Volunteers?

Need Some Volunteers?

I suggest that you look in your donor data base. See if you can identify those seniors who have been consistent donors and have now reduced their annual giving. I have encountered donors in this situation, who concerned with their late in life financial situation, are...

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How do we shape our legacy?

Start by answering one simple question: why?